Thursday, December 31, 2009

Lemons into Lemonade

Has anyone seen the new Avatar movie yet??

Let me start by saying this- it's PG-13. So, naturally, I took my 10 year old daughter to see it. I know what your thinking... put this one up for mother-of-the-year, right?? Yeeaaaah.
The truth is, the movie is full of action and nauseatingly fast-paced digital imagery and is very exciting to watch. I especially loved Sigourney Weaver in it. But Spiritually? Yikes!

The Na'Vi in the movie is a culture made from a mish-mash African and Native American religions and beliefs. They have a whole Pocahontas theme going, with a Shaman and a chanting people who worship a Goddess tree, who answers prayers. It is very weird. Very. Weird.

I thought. How am I going to explain this to my daughter? We sit watching the movie while I silently beat myself up for taking my beloved baby, whose walk with Christ is more important to me than the beautiful breaths she takes. How am I going to protect her from all the ugliness, evil, and strange religions this world has to offer? How can I keep her focused on Christ? How can I undo the spiritual damage this movie can do? God, how could I do this to my child???

In my momentous attack of melodrama, God gave me the answers to all of my "How can I's"

I CAN'T. Only HE can.

My babies have to branch out into this vile world. I can't homeschool and protect them forever. I can't place them in a baptist bubble. I can't force their walk with Christ.

As we sat in the car on the drive home, Dara said something amazing. My astute little one saw the Pocahontas influence. Thanks to GOD, and a movie titled" The New World", her greatest excitement came from the fact that even though Pocahontas came from a tribe of unfamiliar savagery, SHE GOT SAVED. And so could the Na'Vi from the movie..." because that's why God sends missionaries.", Dara says with a smile.

1 comment:

  1. I'm crying! This is so awesome. Out of the mouth of BABES! What a sweet, precious girl you have!

